Why Use Executive Search | BusinessBlogs Hub

Together with poor onboarding, according to Digitate, new employees are likelier to leave an organization that drives them through a negative hiring experience. Your business doesn’t want this happening to it. Replacing workers, especially executives, is an expensive exercise. You’ll need to improve your onboarding for executives and get the hiring right the first time!

Using executive search firms benefit your business with a positive and professional hiring process.

In this business blog article, we cover the following:

  • Core differences between executive search and contingent recruitment
  • Why and when to use an executive search firm
  • The benefits of using executive search firms, aka head-hunters

Executive Search vs. Contingent Recruitment

Executive search firms are engaged by organizations to head-hunt the best candidates for specific executive roles. The recruitment process used by search firms is not the same as contingency recruitment.

For example, with executive search campaigns, the ideal candidates are

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The Importance of Microlearning

Many organizations may talk a good game about their culture and opportunities to advance, but the numbers don’t lie. A recent study shows that 59% of employees receive no workplace training and end up being entirely self-taught.

It’s time to change the course for the better. Learn more about why microlearning is the future of workplace training in the visual deep dive below, courtesy of Arist:

Microlearning - the future of workplace training
Source: Arist

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Making A Data Breach Claim

Data breaches are becoming increasingly common. According to the Ponemon Institute, the average cost of a data breach now stands at $3.86 million per incident. This figure represents a significant increase over the past few years when the average cost was just under $1.5 million.

Do you remember the high-profile data breach in May 2018, when hackers stole data belonging to nearly 50 million customers of Equifax Inc., a credit reporting agency based in Atlanta, Georgia? You probably don’t, as there have been so many more data breaches of significance.

The truth is that data breaches are more prevalent than we care to admit. Cyber-attacks always happen, causing extensive damage to businesses and individuals whose data get lost or exploited by malicious entities.

The good news is that if you were to fall victim to a cyber-attack and have your personal data compromised, you are not entirely helpless you

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Dealing With Occupational Stress | BusinessBlogs Hub

Preventing employee occupational stress entirely is an admirable goal for businesses. However, it takes time, and some employees need help now.

Occupational stress is prevalent in business. Stress.org report a whopping 83% of workers suffer from it, so if you do, you’re not alone.

While in many situations, stress is simply a normal reaction to a taxing event, left unchecked over a long time, it can lead to chronic stress, also known as PTSD.

Chronic Stress

When you have chronic stress, you are also likely to notice an exacerbation of anxiety or depression and physical symptoms such as body pains or headaches. If it’s not you with it but an employee, look for a change in their productivity and a rise in illnesses and sick leave.

While typically associated strictly with the mental state, stress can negatively affect physical health too.

During times of elevated stress, the body produces a

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The Ultimate Guide to Bedding: Improve Your Sleep

If you are barely getting through the workday, there’s a likely culprit: poor and duration of sleep. With all of the stresses put upon you, you deserve the rest that your body and mind needs to be at its best. Discover the options available to you in the guide to bedding in the infographic below, courtesy of Pizuna:

Guide to Sheets: The Ultimate Guide to Bedding
Source: PizunaLinens.com

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